Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm Done!

This week I inadvertently found myself in the midst of an online battle, where one Pastor found it necessary to pound (via blog, but probably physically too if he was able) another Pastor for supposed doctrinal issues.  I say "supposed" because as I read his assault (and his defense from others) I really found very little to object to vis-a-vis doctrine.  What was called doctrine seemed to me really more of a difference in style.

Though I engaged some of my online friends, none got my point, that Christian leaders are showing neither Christianity or leadership by engaging in such online warfare, I now proclaim that I am done!
  • I am done with assailing someone's character without ever knowing them.
  • I am done jumping on the bandwagon of criticism when, if I was honest, I know nothing of the target and only slightly more about the sniper.
  • I am done being a self-appointed judge of doctrinal purity.  Some things in Scripture are major enough to fight and die over, but many issues can and are disagreed about by solid, dedicated followers of Christ.
  • I'm done trying to persuade you that you should also like the same preachers that I like.  Unless your guy is a BLATANT false teacher, you can listen to whomever you like.  I doesn't affect me anyway.
  • I'm done thinking I understand the gospel completely.  If the Apostle Paul considered it a mystery, who am I to think I can nail down exactly how God works, outside of what He has revealed in His word?
  • and finally, I'm done with using the internet as a battlefield.  I find myself repenting of this sin frequently, but by God's grace this time I really am done with engaging in online debates.  As I often tell others, there really is a reason it's called "Yahoo."
As for this week's blog, I'm done.  Any thoughts???


  1. Nice post. I completely agree. For myself, I would like to add: I'm done assuming that God is either a Republican or Democrat because I really think He is against the division that partisan politics instills between groups of believers.

  2. Judging by your thoughts here I don't think we saw the same thing, but man, was it similar! I'm with you brother!
