Earlier this week, I straightened out my desk at work. OK, this accomplishment doesn't rank up there with microwave popcorn, but for me this has been a life-altering experience...at least for the past few days.
Admittedly, I've always meant to tidy up and keep it tidy. In fact, it's probably listed several times in my "easier said than done" list of things to do. But I finally did.
I sort of had to for a few reasons. One, like an office version of Jenga, Sunday morning I pulled a book out of its pile and everything came crashing down, sort of like a librarian had vomited all over my desk. And two, when your desk becomes a sermon illustration for the Senior Pastor, you know it's time to do something.
As I reflect on the experience, I can't help but wonder how if cleanliness is next to godliness, my mess was downright Satanic! But even still, I want to justify it with Proverbs 14:4:
Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.I.e., nothing profitable comes from being tidy.
But I think in our heart of hearts we all know that's not true. Amazingly, I've felt more productive all week, what with knowing where things are and all. And to some extent it's sorta become a perverse little game, remembering to put my pens back in the coffee cup that now stores them and putting books back on the shelf as soon as I'm through with them. If my inner voice didn't sound so much like Tooter the Turtle, I would swear it was my mother haunting me from the grave.
So in conclusion, I would highly recommend cleaning your desk.
Now, if I could only find my stapler.
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