How many times have I read the book of Colossians? Hundreds? Thousands? Yet this morning as I sat, bible in hand, dog in lap, one phrase struck me as if it was something totally new and completely unexpected. In my mind’s eye I almost see it like one of those news scrolls at the bottom of the TV screen.
For in (Jesus) all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Colossians 1:19-20 ESV)
As a worship leader, I almost always plan at least one song each Sunday that refers to the cross (and frequently several songs). We sing of the forgiveness we find at the cross. We sing of the power of the cross. Yet I had never really made the connection between God’s wrath and the cross.
Now hear me out! Intellectually I knew it. Intellectually I believed it. One of my favorite verses in all of Scripture is Romans 5:1-
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
But this morning as I read, I could actually picture God’s anger dissipate with each drop of Jesus’ blood that hit the ground. As Christ’s blood flowed out, so too did God’s wrath.
What a tragically gruesome but magically awesome thought!
As the Easter season sneaks up on us, think about this and see if maybe your worship doesn’t change. I don’t mean switching services, but will the songs we sing (in either service) be a little bit different? Will the gospel that we hear be a little more real? Will the love we preach be a little more personal?
The most cruel, unjust crime ever committed calmed wrath and induced love.
Shouldn’t that impact how we look at, sing of, listen to, and talk about the cross?
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