I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle ~ Sting
OK, first, any chance to refer to lyrics from the Police is a good thing.
Second, I wonder if Mark Zuckerberg had any idea that one of the primary purposes of his invention would be as our 21st century, high tech version of the proverbial message in a bottle.
For my younger readers (if there are any), the message in the bottle idea is that when stranded on a deserted island, one would write their plea for help on a note, stick it inside a bottle, seal the bottle, throw it in the ocean, and wait until the bottle washed up on shore somewhere. Then when it did, it would then be found, and the finder would immediately send help.
This medium has been replaced by Siri.
Or by Facebook, for those who refuse to give their life to the giant fruit deathstar.
I confess that occasionally I have been guilty of this too, my heart's cry finding no other outlet but my status update, silently urging the world (or at least my "friends") to laugh with me, cry with me, express outrage with me, or confirm my sometimes narrow view of things.
Why is this?
How have we become a society that is too guarded to share with our most intimate friends and family, yet open enough to share the same things with strangers?
Why do we feel comfortable ranting and raving about issues with others who have no involvement, yet refuse to confront or discuss the matter with those with whom we have the issue?
When exactly did the invisibility of the internet replace the healing power of conversation?
Is this blog just another example?
I'll let you be the judge.
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