Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sharnado 2 and the Gospel

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..."
Romans 1:16

OK, I confess: I was one of the 3.9MM viewers, at least for part of the evening.  And if you say you weren't, there is an awfully good chance that you are lying.

In recent years, SyFy has shown a seemingly endless string of bad (really bad...I mean really, really bad) science fiction movies.  To their credit, they are in on the joke, i.e. they know they are bad; in fact they are intentionally bad.   I mean really, how could anyone be serious about a movie called "Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda" or "Mega-Python vs. Gatoroid", two other classics regularly seen on the network.

The genius of the genre, as I noted to my wife, is that the original Sharknado provided for 5000 tweets per minute, a phenomenon that I believe led to the creation of the sequel.  In other words, SyFy, fully aware of how bad the franchise is, chose to make an intentionally bad movie just to drum up Twitter traffic about it, which in turn would drive viewers to watch, and hence advertising dollars.  Genius!

What's all this have to do with the gospel, you ask?

Well, just this.  Are we as excited about getting out the good news of Jesus Christ as we are about sharing ridiculous movie lines or improbable special effects?  Is the gospel as worthy of 140 characters as pointing out each surprise cameo appearance?

Do we not promote Christ on Social Media because we are ashamed, or because we just don't care?

Stings like a shark-bite, don't it?

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